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Corpus is a

web based literature agency management system

What Corpus is

What can Corpus do for you?

It saves time, allows you to follow all the steps from contraction to payment. It makes you reach all the data you need and you have to follow without any effort.

Corpus Records

Once your agency has Corpus on it computer, it do everything for you automatically. Such as: When titles arrive your agency, Corpus record them attribute such as

  • originating agency
  • publisher
  • author
  • country
  • language
  • date of arrival
  • formats so that you can easily follow your records.
    for the details of corpus, follow the link to reach to our documentation page...

    Corpus Submits

    Than the manual submit the title to publishers you record each submission with noting the individual publishers and editors to whom you have submitted. Your editors responses are easily recorded via just a scroll down menu.

    Corpus Reminds

    Corpus reminds you the important dates and the processes via emails regarding individual submissions of the preset period time or filter the database according to originating agency/publisher , target publisher, category, submission dates etc. Thanks to Corpus, your database will be your best assistant when it comes to follow up.

    Corpus Organizes

    You do not need do all the paper work and bureaucratic steps about the contraction processes. Once an offer is accepted, a contract notification is created automatically and sent to the contracts manager or relevant agents and departments. Corpus autocomplete feature saves your time at every stage.

    Once you record a title, Corpus autocompletes everything for you with the data you have already submitted on the stage of submission. And at the contract stage, database retrieves the previously input data.

    Corpus Does the Contracts

    Once you input the contract details, you can track the progress of the contract as it ascends for signature and counter signature.

    Follows up the Payments

    When you complete the contract on Corpus, it sends a notification to your accounting department so that they may follow up accordingly.Corpus also allows you to track the payment dates and record when payments are received and made to rights-holders

    Corpus submits, records, keeps data, reminds and organizes!

    The Corpus For All Partners

    The Corpus is for all the partners: The Corpus panel is designed to use of all stuff members, international clients, co-agents, authors and their published books, events and news. All these models can be used with 2 language support. For example, you can indicate the biography of an author in both local language of the author and in English. Like all other parts of Corpus, our website api is being developed for the new features. As soon as improvements done, we will explain the new on a new document here for your developers.

    A Great Reference: Anatolialit

    Our first tenant and partner, Anatolialit keeps all its dynamic data on the Corpus panel and just wrap it into its website, http://anatolialit.com. With this easy and maintable feature, they coordinate all their public data on the very easy panel of Corpus. We proud of our product we designed for Anatoliat (http://anatolialit.com). If you do not have any IT department or developer support, you can contact with us for creative solutions we can offer to you. And please do not hesitate to be in contact with us for your questions.


    Corpus' Awesome Skills

    Corpus is an online workload assistant specifically designed for literary agencies. It requires less effort to handle, updates automatically, saves a lot of space on your device and still costs you less.

    Management system details

    The details behind are the general definitions of the models, which will help you to manage the workload. Whole system is really enough good, but we will continue for improving the system , according to demands of our customers.


    Index all books with required variables.


    Based on your book model, create submissions which will help your team easily manage the way to contracting.


    Based on your submission management, create contracts automatically..

    Deal Memo

    Based on your submission model, create deal memos which will help your team easily manage the way to contracting.


    Be informed about the payments of contracts which are completed.


    Index all relevant Publishers/co-agencies to use in management of above models , also it indicates the basic informations about your publisher and publisher contacts.

    Category Management

    Categorise everything on the platform , for easy access and management.

    Payment Reports

    Index all payment reports of the Published books, so it will get easy to control sale reports of the books published.

    Website Api

    Corpus indicate your public data with essential models, so you will have chance to scratch them to show publicly.

    Details behind the whole scene

    Corpus is full of features which are special to nearly all models above.

    • Filtering according to special attributes
    • Taking special excel sheets as reports
    • Full text, fast search
    • Easy notes
    • Fast autocompletion
    • Fast forms with autocompletion capability
    • Authorized users (admins and users)
    • Responsive and Mobile friendly design
    • Mail triggers special to users' categories
    • Daily mail reminders
    • Mail notifications
    • Triggers that creates dependent models
    • Daily backup of your data on our secure servers
    • Improved Payment reports with details, for accounting of your company.

    Developing road map

    As we are planning to improve all skills of corpus, the afford that we will show to give you the best

    Reminders that are special to our tenders

    what is on the road

    As Coprus is a service which we will continue coding to be the best for you, So Corpus will be improved according to your demands, you can be in contact with your sale represant for what you are in need of. Beside we have a roadmap to give you the best about performance , durability and security issues. Most of the features we have are simplified and active as mentioned above , but we are planning to make corpus much more special to your direct needs. It will be much more configurable after these features. Let's have a look at what is on our plate.

    • Contract statuses which are special to your company needs.
    • Triggers that are special to you company needs.
    • Reminders that are special to each tender , that you will have chance to edit , delete , create or take to passive or active.
    • Charts that show the performance/activity of your working team.
    • Reports that indicates the last activities of your working team.
    • Recent activities/changes of your whole working process, keep up with what is going on.
    • Easy upload data to all models with excel files.
    • Download your current database whenever you want

    Experienced Users of CORPUS

    10 Years Experience!

    As Anatolialit is the first user of corpus , and special thanks to their contribution. As a special application it is cooked in the kitchen of Anatolialit. Directly we improved with demands of a copyright agency, so our application is priceless that it knows your management needs as you.

    Anatolialit Agency
    2013 - 2018
    Amy Spangler: "Corpus has in many ways made it possible for us to grow into the agency we are today, by helping us to manage the manifold data we must process and monitor on a daily basis. Thanks to Corpus, our entire team can access and update a database that let’s us keep track of every step of the copyright process, from the arrival to submission of titles, to the status of offers and later contracts, as well payments collected and made. Centralizing this data has made it possible for us to concentrate on pitching and placing new titles, without letting any highly important data—like upcoming renewals—slip through the cracks."


    Tenant license

    $ 250

    Monthly Payments
    All licenses will receive improvements and performance features on the development.

    Website Api

    Api usage

    Corpus indicates some models that you have chance to scratch them into your company website to show them publicly with a secure access token.

    Let me give you an example to clarify the situation ... What is web api And how it can be used. Our first tenant, Anatolialit keeps all its dynamic data on the corpus panel and just wrap it into their website, http://anatolialit.com . With this easy and maintainable feature they coordinate all their public data from an easy panel on corpus.

    These models, prepared for publicsite are stuff members, international clients, co-agents, authors and their published books, events, news. All these models were prepared with 2 language support, f.e you have the ability to indicate local biography and english biography of an author.

    Like all the parts of corpus, our website api is being develeoped for new features.

    As soon as improvements done, we will explain the new features on our documentation here for your developers.

    The great design of anatolialit( http://anatolialit.com ) is belong to us, If you do not have any IT department or developer support, contact with us for your solution.And please do not hestite to be in contact with us for your questions.

    Developers' Part

    First of all the account you registered should have website enabled so that the system will generate an access token that will make the transaction of your data secure. After that your data can be transferred to a json response.

    Stuff Members: https://corpus4agency.com/stuff_members -> request with access token will give you a response of tenant users on the system which show on web page enabled. The params that you will scratch are name, bio , en_bio, subdomain, home_image_url, index_image_url, job_title_local, job_title_english

    Authors: https://corpus4agency.com/authors -> requested with access token of the tenant will give you a response of all authors belongs to this tenant. The params that you will scratch are slug, name , main_picture. Slug will be used to fetch the author data and author books.

    Author Data: https://corpus4agency.com/author_data/#{params[:slug]}, Params slug can be used from the fetched author above. This request with the access token will give the slugged author's data. And the params that you will scratch are name, image_url, en_bio, tr_bio(Local bio)

    Author Books: https://corpus4agency.com/author_data/#{params[:slug]}/books , As above Params slug can be used from the fetched author above. This request with the access token will give the slugged author's all book data. And then you can iterate the books for each with params title, image_url, publisher, year, page_number, tr_summary, en_summary (2 language summary can be fetched, tr_summary can be used for local summary. )

    International Clients: https://corpus4agency.com/international_clients -> request with the access token will give a response of international clients. The params that you will scratch are country_tr, country_en, publisher, category, website.

    Coagents: https://corpus4agency.com/coagents -> request with the access token will give a response of conagents. The params that you will scratch are name, website, mail, country_en, country_local

    News: https://corpus4agency.com/news_items -> request with the access token will give a response of news. The params that you will scratch are title, intro, description, image_url.

    Events: https://corpus4agency.com/events -> request with the access token will give a response of events. The params that you will scratch are title, intro, description, image_url.


    Professional Profile

    I am a full-stack developer , who is experienced in Ruby on Rails, nearly for 5 years. I am an echological farming experimentalist.

